It was still chucking it down on Monday morning like a tropical storm, but I ventured out to get a pint of milk (in my waterproof coat which I wasn't going to pack). Walked along the beach - love looking at the sea and knowing there are great whites out there waiting for me :o) The weather seemed to be clearing up so I decided to wander towards Green Point stadium to see if I could get a match ticket for the Italy v Paraguay game that night. I ended up bumping into a Spurs fan called Mark who was doing the same thing. One of the stadium staff pointed us in the direction of the ticket office "up the motorway, not far", but after 10 mins walking up the hard shoulder in the mud we realised he must've assumed we were driving and not on foot.

Only when we saw a suspicious looking character in the distance (according to Mark he was apparently wielding a machete, but I've since discovered that Mark is paranoid so I think the poor bloke was doing his garden or something) did we decide to turn back and negotiate the pavement like any sensible person would've done. It gave us time to bond anyway and we ended up having a drink at the Waterfront and discussing our ticket options. I'm not completely sure where the rest of the day went, but we didn't end up getting match tickets (in hindsight we didn't miss much anyway).

We met a couple of nice England fans - Dave and Toby - in a german bar (and we've since met them at the same table a couple of days running), had a bite to eat and went on a bit of a bar crawl. Last spotted dancing on a table singing to Spice Girls... I didn't make it back to the apartment that night or any night after that funnily enough, and I never did buy that pint of milk. Girl power...
No idea what I did on Tuesday or Wednesday, but hung around the Waterfront area with Mark again I think. Weather was a bit unpredictable until yesterday so we decided to jump on a bus to Table Mountain.

Chose a fantastic day to make the trip and had an interesting bus journey with the top deck full of Algerians who sang all the way to the mountain and blew vuvuzelas in our ears. Very funny though. Pardon?! Sat at the top of the mountain and drank a bottle of cava :o) bliss. Had a wander along the top - not a hike as I was wearing non-sensible shoes thank you very much and I've already climbed one mountain this week. [Oooooh I've just had deja-vu moment typing that, but when would I have ever typed that before?!] Anyway we had a wander along the top of the mountain and decided to come down with the whole world and his wife so ended up queueing for an hour to get the cable car back down again. Saw a cracking sunset though. Lost Mark for about 20 mins but he reappeared with a bottle of cava :o)

I've only known him a couple of days, but he's got me sussed already! (and for those of you at home reading this - I think he fancies me, hahahaaaaaaaa!!).

Had a funny night last night - ate out at a Belgian restaurant at the Waterfront and saw the France v Mexico game, which was great for every Englishman (and Irishman) watching! Had a great steak and a lovely bottle of wine. Got chatting to a couple of girls and a bloke on the next table and they ended up buying us more wine and about 4 rounds of Springboks - a shot of Bailey's & creme de menthe I think (I can still taste it this morning, yum. Not). Mark thought the bloke was a famous footballer in the 80s/90s but I couldn't see it myself - I didn't have a Panini sticker book for the years he was talking about so I wasn't sure. He - I'll call him Philip as that's what he told us his name was - did tell us he was a good friend of Cyril Regis. I told him I knew his brother Bognor (the old ones are the best).

But I've just googled "Philip" and I think he was who Mark said he was, hahahaaaaaaa! Couldn't possibly reveal his name though as Mark's paranoid and told me not to. I'll just tell everyone when I get home. He was really funny though, I'm not sure what we were talking about but he almost slid off his chair laughing at one point! Might've been the Springboks. Anyway, they've got our phone numbers so we said we'd meet up again tonight. Hmmmmmmm...
And now it's 11.15am on match day and I'm starting to get butterflies again. I'm hoping Fab plays Rob Green so that he can make amends for the USA game. I'm sitting on the lower level at the stadium so I'll be able to shout a few words of encouragement and make him feel better...
I'm now going to text Leonard, my taxi driver friend, who ferried me around the other night and gave me his phone number. I just have to text him where I am and he comes and gets me - I need a Leonard in Brighton.
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